Turns out they are actually chillis!
This is a very confusing way for me to bring up my ‘Lemon Drop’ chillis.

They were slow to germinate, probably because the packet says they like a temperature of 27 degrees C! As I don’t have a heated propagator, I stuck with the windowsill and a plastic bag, and hoped for the best.
My Habanero chillis were even slower, although the packet does warn of this. There are signs of life now however, so they got there in the end.
Meanwhile my turnips battle on against something very tiny that is nibbling them, while the oca continue to show no signs of life. I’m also finding the ‘Sunchocola’ tomatoes much slower to germinate than the ‘Apero’, and my physalis are also taking longer than expected.
I planted more beetroot, turnips and root parsley, and I think we’re closing in on bean time. I’m leaving it a bit late as I want to try a clunky ‘3 Sisters’ style of corn, beans and courgette planting on one bed, where the beans climb up the corn. It’s ludicrous really as I have tiny raised beds, but you never know unless you try!