This post was written over a year ago and then forgotten – but here it finally is.
Dessert is a course I rarely reach.
I find it very hard to ignore starters, and this inevitably means that by the time the dessert menu comes, I am full. Sometimes I have two starters and no main, or if it is a small plates place I rein it in, but I often get to the end of the meal and know that I just can’t fit anything else in.
Continue reading London Dessert Day 1 →
A few weeks ago I had a day off work. I had various errands to run, and calculated that I would be passing through Alton (Hampshire) at around lunch-time.
I actually went to sixth form college in Alton, and even worked there for a couple of years, but I hadn’t really been there for about 10 years, so thought I should check out what had changed when it came to food.

Continue reading Bottega dei Sapori, Alton →
Documenting food finds for fellow food-lovers