Dutch Food Exploration: Stroopwafel

Around the tender age of 7, H lived for a few years in Den Haag.

Since I have known him, he has had a fondness for stroopwafel – two thin chewy biscuitty rounds sandwiched with sugary syrup.

They were therefore a must-find on our Amsterdam visit.


We actually had a couple. The above pictured one was my favourite, from a stall on Albert Cuyp Market. It aligned most closely with my idea of a stroopwafel – sticky, bendy, sweet and delicious.

The second type we had was from Lanskroon, Singel 385.


This was crisper and smoother, and you could have it filled either with honey or a coffee syrup. As I don’t like coffee we had the former, and although it was delicious, I am a syrup fan.


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