Tag Archives: Cocktails

Parma Violet Aviation

When I read about Iceland’s avalanche of sweet-based ice-creams on Kev’s Snack Reviews, it wasn’t long before both Anglo Bubbly and Parma Violet Ice Lollies were in the house.

While the Anglo Bubbly ones were actual ice-creams, I was disappointed that the Parma Violet ones were lollies. I’d been imagining rich, creamy, violetty goodness, and instead it was a frozen syrup stick.

Unimpressed by the medium but appreciating the taste, I decided to repurpose two lollies in a version of possibly my favourite cocktail, an Aviation.

Continue reading Parma Violet Aviation

London Violet

As my inability to post reliably continues, this piece is being completed AFTER I have finished working in London. I’d pretend now I’ll have more time to write things, but I’m going away for a while, so this poor site will once again be neglected (pats site gently on head).

But enough of my failings, onto the violet treats! 

I imagine most UK peeps have had a parma violet sweet at one time or another. Opinion is divided between “euch, perfume” and “mmm, floral nectar”.

Naturally I am of the latter camp. However while rose crops up in quite a few cuisines, violet is scarce indeed. France is the violet powerhouse, and there is even a violet festival in Tourrettes-sur-Loup I half-heartedly keep meaning to go to. Over here, you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled to enjoy this delicate flavour in a format other than the aforementioned sweets or chocolate violet creams.

Ah well, my advice is to consume violet while you can, and lobby parliament in the meantime…

Continue reading London Violet